Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here's a Peek!!

This is what my table looks like when I'm getting ready to study and have my time with the Lord.  Organized chaos to some I am sure.  Yes, I have my coffee to.  I also usually have a pack of tissues....never know when that may come in handy.....

Yesterday I talked about an index card with a "Legend" on it.  I took a picture of mine.  I don't know that you can see it very well.  I can try again if there are questions.  It is such an awesome tool to use.  It's from Kay Arthur.  Different words or groups of words are marked a particular way. 

Now you have a peek inside my time!  What does yours look like?  If you are just getting started or have questions, please feel free to post them... Would be happy to help you out.  Other questions, feel free to use the CONTACT button on the side.  Tomorrow we start on how to study.......YEAH!!!!!!

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