Wednesday, October 17, 2012

His Word is Alive and Active

One of my favorite scriptures is Psalm_______(anything).  I was looking this morning and it just seemed to leap of the page so I will lead us in a look at Psalm 34:1-3 in just a minute.  Yesterday, I had Community Bible Study.  WHAT A BLESSING! I knew when I went that I was suppose to be there.  We had literally just moved here.  I had looked on line for a Bible Study Fellowship class and there are none to be found except down next to the gulf and that is TOO far to drive.  I heard about how they do this class and that was just what I needed. 
Another amazing fact is that I had just posted about wanting JUST Him and His word and not what He said to someone else.  I needed to hear from Him.  It was clear in just talking to the sweet woman that I met the first day.  Her comment was something like....."We have done other studies but there is just something about just scripture and and questions."  Ok, I was hearing this and just about to jump up and down realizing that He had put me here.  God is so very Good!!!!!!! 
I hope that what you are reading and learning here is really helping you.  I hope that you are studying for yourself.  Get into His word.  YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY!!!!!!

Let's get started. 
Psalm 34:1-3.....Yes, I'll type it out for you.......hahaha

vs1-I will extol the Lord at all times; his praise will always be on my lips.
vs 2-My soul will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.
vs 3-Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.

I have highlighted some of the words that just leap on the page.  Another reason is the fact that they have these little tiny numbers in my Bible.  I have a Key Word Study Bible.  It is truly a treasure!!!  It has the Hebrew and Greek words in the back so that you can really dig into what you are reading.  It is just wonderful.  So, back to where we were. 

Extol- means to bless, praise, be blessed, to pray, to ask a blessing of.  We of course don't use the word extol in our everyday language and some don't even know what it means.  I know I didn't. 

Always- of course we know this one.  That is a given.  Here is means- duration, extension, continuance, continually, daily, at all times, without interupption......I'll let you chew on that for a few minutes!!!!!!

Lips- of course we get the physcial.  Here we take it a little farther---speech, testimony, external manifestation of an individual's character and disposition, whether good or bad. 

Soul- Life- breathe and be refreshed

Hear- give undivided attention, to understand what you have heard. to obey, give heed to

Glorify- Magnify- to make great and powerful.

Now you may ask why in the world would we go through all of that and the research and the reading and writing and digging.  Well, this is where it is all I can do to type this fast enough.  I get so very excited with the possiblity of sharing what scripture says..........

Let's look back at the scripture and put in some of the definitions that we have looked at........

I will give praise to the Lord at all times;
His praise will constantly, continually, daily, at all times, without interuption be in my speech, my testimony, a part of my character and disposition.
My life and breathe will boast in the Lord; let the afflicted give undivided attention to understand and listen and obey and rejoice.
Magnify and make Him great and powerful with me; let us exalt his name together.

DO YOU SEE?????  Can you contain yourself??!!!  I can't help but just want to shout.......His word is RICH!  His word is Powerful!!!!!!! 

May His Word Go Out Today!!!!

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