Friday, March 22, 2013

Prayer- Part 3

Final portion--- the priority part.  Of course every prayer request we hear is a priority.  That is a given.  We need to have some type of system.  If you are one that is a little OCD and loves your organization, then something like this maybe for you. 

I was given a notebook to use for my prayer time.  It was absolutely wonderful!!!!!  Writing this on my blog, I believe I am going to go back and pull it out and use it again.  It was powerful!!!!!!! 
This is how it was put together......

1 inch 3 ring binder
7 Dividers
Notebook paper
Calendar for the year in the front

The notebook paper is divided into the 7 sections.  The calendar (printed off the computer) was in the front.  Calendar was a month per page.  Each divider has written a day of the week.  You can start with Sunday or Monday, which ever you choose.  This is how it was divided up....
Sunday-Church family (those attending that are lost)
Tuesday-Local Service Men/Women (Police-Fireman etc.)
Thursday- Government
Friday- Missionaries
Saturday-Pastors at church preparing for Sunday

Under each divider there was a full page of scriptures to be prayed for that particular group.  It was INCREDIBLE!!!!  The calendar in the front was used for events that you knew were coming up.  Someone in Sunday School is having surgery- put it on the calendar.  Someone is having an important meeting that they share with you--put on the calendar.  Missionary friends are meeting with non-believers on Tuesday for coffee each week----put it on the calendar!!!!

You can use the blank notebook paper in place of the spiral notebook paper if that works for you.  It's an incredible format to work from.  It really changes your prayer life.  The really cool part is to watch Him work.  Get a red pen and write a big fat "P" for PRAISE over every answered maybe surprised!!!!!!!!!! 

I'll close this out tomorrow.  I really hope that this has encouraged you to really dig into your prayer life.  Add something new to your time with the Lord.  God is Good!!!!!!!!  He answers His children!!!!

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