Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Merry CHRISTmas!

Well, I have been to our post office here on 3 occasions.  I listen to people making small talk with the postal lady.  I've heard...'Have a great holiday", "Happy Holidays", "Hope you have a great season".  I chose to go a different route.  "Have a Merry Christmas".  It's almost funny to see her expression change.  I typically get a "You too.".  I sometimes wish I had eyes in the back of my head to see if there were any reactions but I just know that is what should be said!  What do you say?

We have only been here going on 3 weeks.  We haven't discovered our "home church" as of yet.  I don't have a Bible study at present and was just feeling like I was floundering.  I sat down yesterday and thought about it and prayed.  Study the Christmas Story in all the Gospels.  OK, that sounds interesting.  I got Matthew done yesterday and Mark done today.  I have read these a bunch of times.  I MEAN A BUNCH!  "The Word of the Lord is alive" (Hebrews 4:12). 

Just to give you an example.....
Can you tell me the 2 women (could be more) that are included in the Genealogy of Christ?
How many generations are mentioned?
When I tell you that these things jumped off the page and became so alive, I was just blown away!!!!!

It was so exciting!  What are you studying right now?  A particular subject? A book of the Bible? A written Bible Study?  Please share!!!!! 

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